Research on the Power of Real Estate Videos

You’ll hear me sprouting about this subject and I’m quite passionate about agents embracing video, see this earlier post: Using Video in Your Real Estate Marketing as an example of this. I’m passionate about agents using video to promote listings, their profile and their offices and as I’ve mentioned before, this is portable content, so you can take a simple video and share it with the world. When you create an account with Youtube for instance, you create a channel, and you can post videos here to share with consumers. Using video in your listing presentation to promote how you market your clients property is also powerful marketing. I receive in my letter box, at least 5 pieces of marketing material each week and all go in my bin, but how about dropping a office profile on DVD in my letter box?, now that would be a point of difference, more importantly share this with me on your own web site.

All of this is of course leading somewhere, and here it is, research now coming out of the US on the growth of video is staggering, so if you ever needed more incentive to start adding video to your listing tools and properties then this is it!!

For example: 134 Million people went on line to watch on average, 81 videos each, from a total of 11 Billion viewed. In figures released from comScore:

  • 71% of the total U.S. Internet audience viewed online video
  • The average online viewer watched 228 minutes of video
  • 18-34 year olds were the heaviest viewers watching 287 minutes each
  • 82.1 million viewers watched 4.1 billion videos on YouTube
    • 49.8 videos per viewer
  • 46 million viewers watched 481 million videos on MySpace
    • 10.4 videos per viewer
  • The average online video duration was 2.8 minutes

Youtube ranked the highest with 98% of all videos viewed on line.

With these types of numbers starting to impact the habits of consumers, it won’t be long before this starts to impact us here in Australia. So my question to you is, why wait, start to implement this as a strategy for your office and take advantage of what is just around the corner. If you are not sure how to do this and would like some help, then just send me a comment and I’ll answer any question you have on getting this up and running in your business.

Also check out my earlier post about video increasing the perceived property value Property Videos Increase Percieved Property Value  and you can download my podcast on this topic here :

2 comments so far

  1. peterfletcher38 on

    I agree Mike, there is huge potential for video in agency marketing. The difficulty is getting these new media practices built into office systems so they become second nature. If systems can get a photo in the window it can also get a video on YouTube. Keep up the good work. I’m a fan.

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